W2 ein look up
W2 ein look up

San Diego State University is exempt from federal income tax as an educational institution San Diego State University’s tax identification number is 33-0373293. Please refer to for information, and use the Contact Form on the website for inquiry. Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, is issued by the Student Account Services by Januaryģ1 st of each year.Please contact the Accounts Payable department at (619) 594-0894 or for inquiry. Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation, and 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Information, are issued by the SDSU’s Accounts Payable Department by January 31st of each year.

w2 ein look up

Please contact the SDSU’s Payroll Services by calling 61, emailing, or visiting the Virtual Front Desk. Alternatively, your W-2 will be available through California Employee Connect (CEC) the State Controller’s self-service portal by January 31st.

  • Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statementis issued by the California State Controller’s Office and distributed to the home/mailingĪddress on file with the SDSU’s Human Resources by January 31 st of each year.
  • Please contact the respective department for inquiry.
  • Independent personal services provided within California.
  • Is mailed to recipients by January 31st of each year
  • California Form 592-B, Resident and Nonresident Withholding Tax Statement to non-California residents who have any of the following income from SDSU.
  • Compensation for independent personal services performed in the US.
  • Employment compensation exempt under the tax treaty.
  • Upload the form on the secured website or mailed by March 15 th of each year.

    w2 ein look up w2 ein look up

    Uploaded to the secured website for a recipient who has given consent for SDSU to Source Income Subject to Withholding to foreign persons who have any of the following income from SDSU.

    W2 ein look up